My Level 2 Students had a celebration BBQ to celebrate a successful completion and prize giving from their course.
One of the students organised a fantastic BBQ with food and drinks. I presented my students with their prize hoodies and it was a fantastic evening…
When I look back on what these guys overcame during their course and yet we came together as a team and took the obstacles in our stride. This class went from being a standard face to face – meet in person – class to Pandemic Prizewinners using technology to the max and passing with high marks. I am so proud of them!!
Our celebration BBQ evening was filled with joy; laughter; happiness and pride. Way to go SHBSL Level 2, we didn’t just do it, we excelled.
My class, the students, excelled.
They say that the best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. My teaching always matters to me, I love what I do, I love inspiring others to love it too. We had lockdowns, we had restrictions – but we had passion… We were cornered and we didn’t just fight back, we adapted, we grew and we overcame it – we found great new ways to communicate; to practice; to socialise and to create a positive learning environment. Zoom became our new classroom; the internet became our most valuable resource; Whatsapp was a mainstay – other new resources were utilised and trialled.
You know what?? I am so grateful. I am grateful to have adapted in my teaching, to have learnt with them the best ways to overcome adversity and excel. This class hasn’t just learnt and earnt a certificate, they have conquered with honours and they can’t wait to take it further. Nothing is going to stop them.
For me – in 19 years of teaching this has been the biggest achievement of my career and I am so very proud of them and I have to say, myself. We did it!!! The marks were the best I have seen, several of them being above 30 out of 40. Needless to say they are champing at the bit to take it to the next level.
If you are interested in learning BSL in a high quality teaching environment, be it in person or remotely I have an exciting itinerary of courses ongoing and in the pipeline. If you would like to begin at Level 1 and get a taste of what these students have experienced, you are very warmly welcome.
Pre-level 3, starting in the new year 2022, is a bespoke 10 week course designed to bridge the gap between 2 and 3 and includes lots of additional teaching which cannot be found in either course and will be a solid foundation for you to undertake the subsequent Level confidently and competently.
Please contact me for further information and booking details.