• Where are you from?
I’m from Dereham I’m originally from and was born in Essex.
• What is your sign name and explain the reasons behind it?
My Sign name is D-A-V-I-D (finger spelled) and surname ‘Fish’ for Salmon.
• What have you done in your career until now?
I started my career as an apprenticeship Engineer when I was aged 18. I am now a Senior Engineer. I recently taken an interest in teaching student BSL.
• What is your proudest achievement?
Two of my proudest achievements in fulfilling my ambition to become a successful Senior Engineer. Having faced many barriers to get to this point I am proud to be where I am today in my career.
My second proudest achievement is competing in the European Go Karting Championships and honoured to stand alongside other winners on the podiums. England Deaf Karting Association
• What did you want to be when you were younger?
As a young boy I always dreamed about being a Formula 1 Driver and riding fast bikes. I wanted to travel the world as part of a racing team competing at an international level. When I didn’t achieve this, the next best thing for me was to become a mechanical and work as an engineer fitter and hydraulic speciality.
• What are your favourite BSL signs and state why?
That’s a difficult question to answer…. I love the sign for ‘look’ (index finger to right eye and mouthing look, look, look) I love the expression and think it’s a great sign.
• Who are your Deaf Role models?
Richard Carter is a role model for me. In school, when SSE was not really accepted in the Deaf community and I lacked confidence in my own BSL skills I will always remember Richard coming up to me and opening up my world to BSL. His signing skills were so visual and I was in awe. He has always inspired me.
Another Deaf role model is Malcolm Sinclair. Having had many Teachers of the Deaf who were hearing, meeting Malcolm who was the first Deaf TOD (Teacher of the Deaf) I came across, he truly inspired and encouraged me to be the best I can be in life.
• Anything we need to know about you?
I am the Chairperson of the England Deaf Karting Association. I have passion in karting and racing career
I love extreme sports including snowboarding, water skiing and go karting. I am a wake boarding instructor.
• Any hidden talents that no one knows of?
I love meeting and connecting with Deaf people all over the world, learning about their rich cultures and language.
• What is your favourite thing about being a BSL Tutor?
BSL is a beautiful language and I enjoying teaching people who like to learn this language and watch them develop and grow their confident so they can go out and meet deaf people, knowing they have confident they can communication and support in deaf community .
• What is one thing you would have changed to make life better for Deaf People?
I would want everyone in society to learn British Sign Language. It is a beautiful, rich language and if everyone learned it, it would remove so many barriers for Deaf people.
• Any last words for people thinking about learning British Sign Language?
I would say BSL is a fantastic language that they will really enjoy learning. It is a beautiful visual language and they will become fully immersed in once they start.